Adar Kahiri

A Villanelle On Specks of Dust

Oh, to be a speck of dust
Its own irrelevance its greatest pain
But conquering the universe is its greatest lust

Helplessly swept by the lightest gust
Yet from the speck's plights, the wind has nothing to gain
Oh, to be a speck of dust

Menacing clouds encroach and render the speck nonplussed
God forbid it drizzle, God forbid it rain
But conquering the universe is its greatest lust

Wrestling with a reality so indifferent, so unjust
To make itself known, it tries in vain
Oh, to be a speck of dust

With a little awareness, the flights of fancy become less robust
It's a speck after all, dwarfed in size by a mere sandy grain
But conquering the universe is its greatest lust

Into a fleeting sunbeam, the speck is briefly thrust
Yet it shall soon settle unto the earth once again
Oh, to be a speck of dust
But conquering the universe is its greatest lust